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The Spokane Teachers Credit Union is offering a free workshop titled “Becoming Debt Free” as part of its My Life, My Money series. All community members, whether or not they are members of STCU, are welcome to attend.

American consumers owe a staggering total of $11.91 trillion in collective debt, but you don’t have to be constantly living under that burden. “Being debt free is achievable,” the workshop organizers promise, “it just takes a different point of view.” Experts will help attendees clarify their current financial positions, set financial milestones, and figure out which tools to use to achieve the ultimate goal of living debt-free, whether that means getting out from under credit card debt, student debt or something else that’s holding you back financially.

The workshop will be held at the South Hill Library, located at 3324 S. Perry St. in Spokane. The workshop is scheduled for Tue., Aug. 25, and will run from 6-7 p.m. — but a light meal is included, so you’ll want to arrive a little early to get some food and get settled in. You’re more than welcome to bring a friend with you.

Sign up online, and browse details on other upcoming STCU workshops. You can also learn more about the STCU story; the credit union was founded in 1934 with just $4,000 in assets, and now has more than $2.1 billion. It also serves around 140,000 members at 18 branch locations. Its core values are “integrity, people, service, innovation, education and celebration,” and its mission is “maximizing the value of every financial relationship through cost-effective financial services consistent with cooperative principles, applicable legislation, and prudent management.”

Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in Washington state or a few nearby counties in Idaho. You can keep up with STCU through its website or by following it on Facebook.

Ger more information on this topic here.

By Paige

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