A Timeshare is the legal sharing of property ownership, most commonly vacation property, for instance, units within a resort area. You can purchase units for a week or two. Selling timeshares is not simple but possible with the proper research and effort. Know how much it is worth and research the resale market beforehand to avoid scammers.
Do an online search for my timeshare documentation to get comprehensive information when you don’t know the required documents. Timeshare documents are declarations governing a resort, such as articles of incorporation, by-laws, rules and regulations, registration statement, and the sale of the timeshare.
You can sell your timeshare yourself or enlist a real estate agent. To do a self-sale, enlist in timeshare marketplace platforms such as tug marketplace and redweek.com. Some will require a subscription fee, while others are free. Subscription-based platforms are safe from scammers. The best way of selling a timeshare is through agents who specialize in resale. It allows you to sell a timeshare without upfront fees and the undue stress of being scammed.